Monday, April 27, 2009

Donna turns 3!!

Our dearest Donna has turned 3! It's one of those times when I cannot believe she's already 3, but at the same time can't believe she's only 3!! Life without her seems very very long ago, I struggle to remember what all I did before she came along.

She has continued to grow into a very special little girl. She is shy to those she doesn't know well, but is a beeming light to all she does. Donna is soft, yet loud; clever, but silly; sensitive, but loves teasing and getting teased; girly, but fun; she's caring, loving, sweet, considerate, beautiful... she's our little princess!

Donna is truely a treasure that can only come from a truely caring, loving and giving God. We are eternally thankful to Him for blessing us with a ongoing miracle like our precious Donna!

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