Sunday, May 27, 2012

Hannah's birthday (embarrassing late!)

I have been terrible at updating our blog, I am sorry, but there have been so many better things to do in this swiftly passing year than blogging! But our updates are now long past overdue, so here we go . . .

Our dear Hannah turned 3 in January, and yes, the time has flown by, even faster than it did with Donna.  Her past year was just one blessing after another, I definitely cannot label it the “Terrible Two’s”.  We had our moments, but the sweet character that is growing in this little girl is just something I love to see blossom. 
God has been so gracious!

We love you little Hanny


Anonymous said...

Aww we also let off a floating light for Autumn's 3rd birthday. Wish you guys were here so we could have had you over for your three to play with our three :)

Kim Archer

"The Theaart's" said...

She is gorgeous! How precious to have both her grannies there to help with the cake. You guys look great Bron. xx L

drmanoj said...

They are blessed to be born as kids in penny family.