We had the most incredible experience this weekend. Sean has this elderly local patient, Mama Amna, who invited us all to the desert for supper.
Note: You need to look carfully for her in the photo: She's next to Donna sitting in front of her daughter, they're both wearing black, so you can just bearly make out her slit for her eyes. But that is Mama Amna!
We drove out about 65km towards Hatta (for those who know which direction Hatta is!) and at a tiny turn-off we turned off (!!) and drove a little bit into the desert and then just stopped in the middle of absolutely nothing, and started setting up "camp". We parked our big 4x4s lager style around the chosen spot, threw their carpets on the sand, put a screen up around which would become the "kitchen" (I think some thought it would be the "bathroom", but that was deeper into the desert!) and unpacked the food...and more food! Next thing mama Amna is down on her hands and knees, digging in the sand to make her fireplace, refusing help because she is a "Jungle Woman" (her words exactly!)! She made the most amazing meal, a traditional rice and meat dish, and some delicious chicken kebabs. That was AFTER the raisin bread, Patchi chocolates, fruit, Lebanese/Turkish sweets and chips...!
Donna so enjoyed herself. Mama Amna's granddaughter, Miriam, was also there and they both got a little stool, a really cute teddy bear, and a car (!!). I took her little tea set with and she was making tea and coffee for everyone (and juice for Sean!). She asked to go "back to desert another day". I hope we do!
It was such a unique experience and privileged. Having a desert meal with a local family. It was one of those things that I had hoped to experience before we even came-a piece of their culture-their way, not in a museum or "staged" set-up, but enjoying it as part of their family. Well that's how they made us feel anyway.